Hard work
1. Hard work
2. Opportunity
3. Luck
4. Skill
I think hard work is the most important quality because a person can be skilled, but if they chose not to use that skill, then they will get no where. I think opportunity and luck fall in the same category, but opportunity is more important than luck. A person can come across an opportunity purely by luck, or because they were determined to. But, this is not more important than hard work because hard work will led to success. I think skill is the least important because a person can become skillful in an area if they are truly determined and they work hard to become skillful. To become economically successful, a person has to have an idea of where they want to be in the future. If they know where they want to go in the future, they can be wise economically in managing their finances and making decisions. I always think of Thomas Jefferson's quote when I think of the importance of luck in relation to hard work. Thomas Jefferson says, "I am a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more of it I have." If a person works hard, they get really lucky and they are able to become successful.
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